Data On Honduras
It is estimated that Honduras currently has a population of 10 million people, making it the 94th most populated country in the world. Its population is similar in size to that of Virginia in the United States. Nearly 90 percent of the population is “mestizo”, a mix of indigenous peoples and Europeans. In urban areas, there are slightly more women than men but in rural areas, there are more men than women.
The most populous department is Cortés, where 19.6 percent of the population resides. The least populated department is the Bay Islands, where 0.06 percent lives. The department of Cortés is also the most densely populated, with 410.5 inhabitants per square kilometer and the highest urban population (80.7 percent). Honduras has an annual population growth rate of 2.1 percent and a population density of 73 inhabitants per square kilometer. By comparison, El Salvador has a population density of 288 inhabitants per square kilometer.
Older people (over 60 years of age) make up only 6.2 percent of Honduras’ population. The average age of the Honduran population is 20.7 years. By comparison, the average age in the United Kingdom is 40 years. On average, 615 Hondurans are born daily and about 102 die. It is estimated that more than 200 people emigrate from Honduras each day, mainly to the United States and Spain.
Honduras’ rural population is larger than its urban population, and there are about 2.2 million homes. Each Honduran home consists of an average of 4.6 persons.
Approximately 66.2 percent of Hondurans live in poverty — 21 percent in relative poverty and 45.2 percent in extreme poverty. The term “extreme poverty” refers to those who do not earn enough of an income to meet their basic food needs.
Honduras’ territory measures 112,492 square kilometers. Olancho is the largest department, with 23,905 square kilometers and the Bay Islands is the smallest with 236 square kilometers. In terms of geographic size, Honduras is the 102nd largest nation in the world. It is almost three times larger than Switzerland (but in terms of its economy, Switzerland’s is 10 times larger than that of Honduras).
Honduran women have more years of education, on average, than do Honduran men (6.4 for women versus 6 for men).
For each US dollar that Honduras imports, it exports only 43 cents.s Some 35.5 percent of the country’s imports originate in the United States and 10.65 percent in Guatemala, which is Honduras’ second most important import trade partner. Approximately 40.65 percent of Honduras’ exports go to the United States and 9.63 percent to El Salvador, which is the country’s second more important export trade partner.
About 80 percent of Honduran territory is mountainous. Honduras is the most mountainous nation in Central America. It has an excellent climate, with an average temperature of around 26 degrees Celsius.
There are 15 supreme court judges who serve a population of 10 million people. By comparison, in the United States there are 9 supreme court judges who serve a population of 328 million. In Honduras, there is an average of one member of Congress per 65,000 inhabitants, while in Mexico there is one member of Congress per 224,000 and in the United States there is one member of Congress (House of Representatives) per 735,000.